Missoula Children's Theatre Cinderella

Every year I sit through a series of events at my kids school.  Some are more entertaining than others.  Yes, I know as a parent I should never admit I get bored at the Christmas program, but with three kids and two shows a years for the last eleven years, it is tough to still get excited about putting on my ugly Christmas sweater and hearing a bunch of kids sing off key.  Sorry boys.

But the Missoula Children's Theatre is one show I do look forward to every year.  I don't feel obligated to go I look forward to it.  This year my son Josh, got the lead role for a boy in Maple Elementary Schools performance so it was that much more exciting.
Maple Elementary School cast of Cinderella.
Cinderella played by Meah Dickson and The Prince played by Josh Martinez are seated

For those who do not know, Missoula Children's Theatre is a traveling show that goes from school to school across the country.  They boast the largest cast of any show with 65,000 performers every year.  When they come to a school, the kids get one week to audition, rehearse and perform two shows on Friday.  It is rather intense to pack an entire play into five days of preparation.  But the crew does an amazing job with these kids.

Kate Schwarz and Bryn Butler were very good to the students and taught them a lot.  The fact they are able to control an entire cart of children is amazing in and of itself.

It is a really special program.  When the crew travels from school to school a family in each town hosts them.  The family provides lodging and meals.  This is not a high dollar performance full of flash only private schools can afford.  They are supported in part by a grant from the Montana Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.  In addition, Federal employees can contribute throughout the Combined Federal Campaign using CFC code #20396.  I would encourage you to donate if you can.

I never was one for the arts growing up, perhaps it is because it was still accessible when I was a kid I took it for granted.  But now that everything is test score driven, programs like this are needed to give our kids some balance in education.

As always, the show did not disappoint.  The students laughed as did the parents.  I even caught my oldest son who is in high school and to cool to laugh, smile a few times.

This year the play was Cinderella.  My son Josh played Rags, the Prince.  Of course I felt like he stole the show.  But all the kids did great.  This is a worth while program and any school that is not a part of it should look into having them come to your school.  It is fun, education and a great experience.  My son Josh is extremely shy.  He won't even go in the store to pay for gas he is so afraid of people.  But somehow, every year he gets on stage in front of a few hundred people and acts like no one is in the room.

I guess that is why I went from not caring much about the art programs, to realizing the importance they have in the lives of some kids.  Not everyone was the same way I was as a kid.  Not even my own son.

Thank you to the Missoula Children's Theatre for once again visiting our school and I look forward to seeing the show again next year.

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