Good Luck Trying to Apply for Obamacare

Ok, so among other things I am a procrastinator.  Of course I waited for the last day to come to apply for this genius of an idea called Obamacare.  And of course like the site has done several times before, it crashed.

For those who do not know today is the last day to apply under the act or you face penalties.  The good news is, all you have to do to avoid the penalties is start the application process and you can avoid the penalties for now.

The problem is actually applying.  Living in California I was sent to the California site.  Entered all my information, hit submit and waited about two minutes.  Then in red letters at the top of the page I recieved an error that said "JavaScript Error" and a bunch computer code I do not understand.  Hit the button again same thing.  I tried and third time and the page was blank.

The back button did not do anything.  The refresh button said the page was not avalavle.  So I went back to the home screen try to login in hoping it took my information.  The login screen was blank as well.

I am willing to bet dollars to donuts tonight it will be worse as people get off work and try to register.

You have until midnight to sign up for the unaffordable....I mean affordable care act.

In reality all this whole thing has done is made more people sign up for Medi-Cal which results in a net savings of zero for the government.  In fact, now that more people are part of programs like Medical it means we spend more money on health care as taxpayers because it gives people who would otherwise not go to the doctor for things like a cold, which is completely pointless to do by the way, access to medical care for free.

People would not go to the doctor for minor things like this if they had to pay out of pocket.  But since it is free why not.

So this very well thought out plan, will end up costing taxpayers more.  The penalties paid by those who are unable to register since the government can not seem to keep the site up and running, will be miniscule compared to the extra medical coverage costs taxpayers will pay for the free programs.  Meanwhile, those who work will have to pay enormous costs, because nothing is affordable about this act.

In fact, many low wage earners are being hurt by this act.  Across California, lower wage employees have already begun to see a reduction from full time to part time status preventing them from qualify from work sponsored health plans.  So not only are they failing to qualify for insurance through their employers, they are earning less because they no longer work 40 hour full time work weeks.

We are also seeing a huge increase in the "perma-temp" employee.  Companies that are hiring people through staffing agencies as temps, and never rolling them over as full time employees like they used to.

So who is this plan supposed to benefit?  Employers are not willing to fit the cost of this, so it is the poor working class that suffers the most, while the high earners continue to pay huge tax bills.  Meanwhile, those who do not work and do not pay taxes living on social programs continue about the day like nothing changed.

This act benefits absolutely not one single class of people in this country, except health providers who will continue to show enormous profits.

I agree, everyone should have access to health care, but this was by far the absolute worst way to go about it.  I'm running for President next election and my slogan will be "Higher taxes and lower wages".  At least I will be honest about what is going to happen.


As of 2:00 PM I was able to get on the site and register.  However, each page was very slow to load.  So slow I thought the page had failed to load more than once.  However, after a lengthy wait each page did load and I was able to successfully register for Covered California.

It still does not change my opinion that this hurts low wage employees as thousands in California are being reduced from full time to part time status so employers avoid penalties, but at least you can register.  By the way, the penalty for failing to register is $95 or 1% of your salary.

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